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Human Statue Bodyart


Bowl-A-Rama comes to Bondi Beach

15 year old Brazilian professional skater, Pedro Barros has already opened his own skate complex, bagged two X Games medals and last year knocked out Bucky Lasek to win Bondi’s Bowl-A-Rama competition.

Pedro return's to Bondi to defend his title and take on another bowl-full of the world’s finest thrashers, including Steve Caballero, Omar Hassan, Bob Burnquist, Rune Glifberg, Sam Beckett, Tony Trujillo and Corbin Harris.

Bowl-A-Rama events will run from Wednesday, February 16, to Sunday, February 20, with the major competition at Bondi Skate Park on Saturday, February 19.
See http://www.bowlarama.com.au

Steve Caballero
Pedro Barros
Bucky Lasek
Omar Hassan
Bob Burnquist
Rune Glifberg
Sam Beckett
Pat Ngoho
Otavio Neto
Jackson Pilz
Juergen Horwarth
Renton Millar
Jeff ‘Skunk’ Williams
Tony Trujillo (rumored)
Curren Caples
Corbin Harris

Plus loads more coming! See ya there